“Unleashing the Magic: A Whisker-Filled Journey for the Lovely Marked Kitten”

Kitten with Beautiful Markings Found Roaming Outside, 2 Months Later, Her Wish Comes True with 3 Other Cats

A strikingly marked kitty was discovered roaming outside. Two months later, her dream was fulfilled with the addition of three more feline companions.

sweet kittens calico

Cloud and Polly
Shelly, a dedicated animal rescuer with over a decade of experience, recently received a plea for help about three kittens in urgent need of assistance. A kind-hearted individual found them wandering outside with no mother in sight. Despite locating the mother cat, she showed no interest in caring for her babies. The kittens were in poor condition, with crusted eyes due to infections and being underweight. Shelly quickly picked up the smallest kitten and provided necessary care before turning her attention to the other two.

stray kittens tiny

The kittens were discovered wandering alone outside, abandoned by their mother. Shelly from 5 Star Strays, who was already caring for 16 rescues, couldn’t bear to leave them to fend for themselves. She decided to bring them home, knowing they were just three weeks old and would soon be ready to start weaning. Shelly shared with Love Meow her decision to take in the helpless kittens despite her already full hands with other rescues.

calico kitten bottle

Polly immediately adapted to the bottle and was joined by Shelly’s rescued kittens, Cloud and Destiny. Shelly continued bottle-feeding them for a few weeks before introducing wet food. Sadly, Destiny from the litter couldn’t survive despite Shelly’s best efforts. However, Polly and Cloud eagerly accepted the bottle, eagerly gulping down their feedings.

calico kitten beautiful markings

She transformed into a nurturing guardian for felines, lovingly known as Shelly @5_star_strays. With better nourishment and proper care, Polly and Cloud began to recover. Their vision became sharper, their physical condition improved, and their vitality skyrocketed.

“I believe I managed to intervene just in time without any lasting harm,” shared the cat’s caregiver. She has made sure to spay the mother cat and a few others in the neighborhood to prevent further unwanted litters.

calico kitten beautiful markings

Shelly from 5 Star Strays describes Polly as a cat with stunning markings and a vibrant personality. Polly, a calico cat, was born with unique and eye-catching patterns on her fur. As she grew older, her coat became even more striking and lustrous. Polly confidently roamed around with her tail proudly held high, while her brother Cloud followed closely behind, his curious eyes exploring their surroundings. Together, they learned how to eat from a dish and master the art of using the litter box.

calico kitten cats

Cloud and Polly have made significant progress and grown a lot.

Shelly from 5 Star Strays shared, “Along their journey, Polly and Cloud have been developing nicely and maturing like kittens should.”

The siblings were introduced to other foster cats in the household to improve their socialization skills. After sniffing and getting to know the other cats, they happily erupted into playful interactions, fitting in seamlessly with the group.

kitten cat friends

Polly and Milo
Shelly from 5-star Strays
Polly and Cloud have fully recovered and blossomed into lively young cats. They became friends with many foster kittens, some of whom looked up to them.
When it was time to find them a loving home, Donna, a previous adopter, surprised Shelly by inquiring about four kittens.

calico kitten beautiful markings

Shelly at 5 Star Strays quickly formed a deep bond with Polly and Cloud, along with two other furry friends they were fostering, and couldn’t stand the thought of breaking them up. Just last week, all four of them were happily adopted and settled into their permanent home.

stunning calico kitten cat

Shelly @5_star_strays shared, “It’s not every day that someone offers a home to four cats… It’s an opportunity that you just can’t pass up.” In just a week, the quartet has settled beautifully into their new home (now with six cats), running around, playing and having a great time. Polly and Cloud found their forever home along with two of their foster friends. They are loving their human mom and have quickly become best buddies with their new feline siblings.

calico kittens forever home

Shelly from 5 Star Strays

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